Art Imitates Art

4/52.2009 ~ Tropical Dream, 10x10

I spent much of today finishing my fourth 10" x 10" weekly quilt, 4/52.2009 ~ Tropical Dream. The inspiration for this piece comes from a collage I created nine days ago. This is it, below...

Collage that inspired Tropical Dream One of my intentions in doing daily collages was that they inspire small quilts. So here I've done the first -- of many, I hope. Because I'm creating some really cool collages, and I like the challenge of figuring out how to represent in fabric something that was created with mostly paper and paint.

I've also been busy with creative "housekeeping" -- digital printing fabric labels for all my quilts, making hanging sleeves for all except the smallest ones, creating a database of all my finished work for exhibit and sale (quilts, art cloth, special woven pieces), organizing images on my computer.

And numerous other creative projects tomorrow!


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