Good Score

The city of Ferndale held its community-wide yard sale this weekend, and I picked up a few goodies.  The pile above is largely table linens, just washed and waiting to be ironed and stored.

This is a brass teapot, which will be used for eco dyeing.  It cost me $1.00!

After the big yard sale yesterday, I attended a music festival out in the boonies in a community called Kneeland, which is on a ridgetop 15 miles east of Eureka, way above the fog and cooler coastal temps.  Imagine my surprise when I found myself coming to, surrounded by volunteer fire & rescue folks, just moments after collapsing from the heat right in front of the entry ticket booth!  I'm fine now -- after eventually returning to "normal" yesterday afternoon, sitting in a shady, breezy spot listening to music.  When I lived in SoHum, unbelievably nearly nine years ago already, summer temps frequently got over 100 degrees for days in a row.  I didn't like it, but I was acclimated to it.  Not so anymore!

I have a pot of bundles eco dyeing as we speak, in a bath of tan oak acorns.  Will reveal the results mid-week.

I recently joined California Fiber Artists, a group of about 35 fiber artists from throughout California.  I've already been juried into a show in Oakland, CA at the East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) that runs from October 20 to December 9.  If you're in the Bay Area, I hope you'll see the show.  I'll mention it again in mid-October.

I'm loving this early autumn ~ the angle of the sun, the shortening days, the crisper air.  Definitely my time of year.


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